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Proudly Serving Clients Since 1987

Institutional Equity Management

Pier Capital, LLC is a Boutique Investment Adviser Specializing in Managing Growth Equity Portfolios

We have been managing growth portfolios for clients for over 37 years.


What We Do

Pier Capital, LLC manages U.S. Small Cap Growth and SMid Cap Growth equity portfolios. We are registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser* and have total firm-wide assets under management totaling approximately $719 million as of 9/30/2024.

*Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.

Who We Do it For

We manage portfolios primarily for institutional clients such as retirement plans, endowments, foundations, municipalities and also for a limited number of high-net-worth clients.  Pier has a  Small Cap Growth Private Commingled Fund available as well.