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Second Quarter 2024

First Quarter 2024

Fourth Quarter 2023

These confidential documents are intended for only for the named recipients and may not be re-distributed without prior written consent from Pier Capital, LLC. 

Views expressed are solely the opinions of the investment professionals at Pier Capital, LLC and are subject to change at any time without notice. Pier Capital, LLC as a Registered Investment Advisor invests in many of the security types, sector and/or industries discussed. The information contained in these reports is not intended as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security or security type. Additionally, it should not be utilized as the singular basis for investment decisions.

Market data presented is provided by third party and Pier Capital, LLC is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the data. The external sources used in compiling this report have been deemed reliable by Pier Capital, LLC, however, we do not assume to reconfirm their absolute accuracy and limitations.